Recycle & Reuse the Old Materials to Elevate Your Wedding Decor

If you are planning an intimate wedding, you must be thinking of ideas to create intimate settings at your décor as well. But have you ever thought of using old furniture and materials available at home for decor? Well, there are so many personal items that you can revamp, recycle and customize for your wedding décor. You can use these items to jazz up the décor of your sangeet, haldi, or mehndi ceremony! They would make your décor shine and will also help you stay within a budget while doing the decorations.

Scroll down to find out the items that you can reuse and add to your wedding décor treasure:


Glass bottles

There are zillion ways to incorporate glass bottles into your wedding décor. You just need to find out the one that best suits your décor theme and style. Check all what you can do with your glass bottles here and pick the one that you find the best.

Glass bottles


Tin Cans

Have you ever thought of recycling tin cans? If not, you must think now. Use them as tiny planters or to create a lit pathway, we are leaving it to you.


Fairy Lights

From lighting up the corners of your house on Diwali to creating cozy corners, fairy lights are indeed our favorite element. So why not use them for décor to create a whimsical and uplifting vibe on your big day.


Use the vintage items

Do you often wonder what to do with the old globe, typewriter, or gramophone you have at home? Well not much, just use them as a part of your décor to add a vintage vibe to the celebration. All these items will make a perfect pick for décor for day celebrations.


Books as centerpieces

If you wish to add vintage charm to your wedding celebration, there is no better way than to use old classic books. They would also make a perfect centerpiece for all book lovers. The idea will be going to be loved by most of your guests.


Read: Top 10 Table Centerpieces to Suit Every Style and Wedding Décor


House Planters for serene settings

What would make a better décor element than house planters to create serene stage settings? Just place all those beautiful planters around the stage and create a scintillating and fresh ambiance.


Recreate Photo board with old pictures

There is no better time than your wedding to use all those old pictures to create a photo board and walk down the memory lane. All you need to do is to pick some of your old pictures from your collection and design a photo board that lets you share beautiful memories with your guests.

To get more intriguing ideas for your décor and to avail the best wedding décor services, contact our experts at The Fusion Décor. They will provide you with the best décor themes and ideas for your wedding nuptials and celebrations.


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